Horse-e-cards by: Joni Solis
America's wild mustangs running free ... legendary, iconic symbols of freedom.
Almost from the beginning of time, wild horses have inspired America's petroglyphs, sketches, paintings, photographs, books, stories, songs, movies, imaginations, and dreams!
Yet, even as we celebrate our freedom from tyranny ... tragically our wild horses are losing theirs.
In 1776 our founding fathers of the Continental Congress adopted a Declaration of Independence to preserve and set aside our rights and freedoms as a nation and as individuals.
In 1971, an unprecedented public outcry moved Congress to unanimously pass the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act, granting federal protection to America’s wild horses and burros as “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West […] that […] contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people."
This Federal legislation, passed by our United States Congress, has been, and is currently being defied and blatantly disregarded.
Not only are the "protected" public lands being taken away and used for private gain ... but the horses themselves are being rounded up, separated from their herds and their families, and thrown into crowded holding facilities, where some die, some get slaughtered, and the lucky ones get adopted!
These egregious, atrocious Federal offenses have been quietly ignored for way too long. America's wild horses desperately need our help! NOW is the time to make our voices be heard!
Our voice does count! It was public outcry that persuaded Congress to legislate protection for our wild horses in the first place ... let's make them hear our cries again. NOW is the time that you and I can make a difference.

The Absolute Best Film about Wild Horses I Ever Hope to See ~ Meet Cloud the Stallion via Soul of a Horse Blog

The Cloud Foundation ~"Dedicated to the preservation of wild horses on our public lands, and the protection of Cloud's herd..."
Sometimes the problems seem so big and we feel that alone we cannot make a difference. Please get involved, together we can achieve great things.
~ Return to Freedom ~
~ Return to Freedom ~
ADOPT A HORSE ~ Adoption information: BLM's Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program
BECOME A SUPPORTER ~ A bajillion ways to lend your support ~ Return to Freedom ~ Lists of immediate needs ~ and a multitude of opportunities to take action, even at the grocery store! ~ Opportunities for all ages and situations ~ The Challenge: find at least one idea that you can put into action ... NOW!
AWAKEN THE PUBLIC ~ Share the message with as many people as you can ~ on your website, blog, FB, or MySpace ~Tweet it, Digg it, Tumblr or StumbleUpon it ~ You never know where the message will fall upon just the right ear!
MEET THE HORSES ~ Get to "know" these horses, through the eyes of people that spend time with them. Any one of the outstanding people listed below will hook you up with anything you need to help the mustangs.
Tamara Gooch Photography~Wild Horse Gallery ~ One of my favorite photographers of wild mustangs ~ Through her eyes I got my first glimpse of these horses, thus she is a very special FB friend~ Don't miss her main page for other beautiful images of western lifestyle and wildlife.
Jess Lee ~ Wild Horse Photos "Capturing the spirit of the true American West" Be sure to click the link above his photos for more awesome pics
Barbara Wheeler Photography ~ Some of the best up close and personal photos and narratives of the wild horse herds and their families ~ One of my closest FB friends, humane observer and wild horse advocate
Sonja Spaziani ~Wild Wind Art ~ aka Mustang Meg ~ extraordinarily talented graphite artist and writer ~ One of my wildest and most fun FB friends, enthusiastic and knowledgeable advocate for the wild mustangs
Andi Harmon ~Resident Expert and author of Oregon's Living Legends ~ photos ~ A Study of Oregon's Wild Horses and the Ranges They Roam ~ Highly recommended reading!
Jess Lee ~ Wild Horse Photos "Capturing the spirit of the true American West" Be sure to click the link above his photos for more awesome pics
Barbara Wheeler Photography ~ Some of the best up close and personal photos and narratives of the wild horse herds and their families ~ One of my closest FB friends, humane observer and wild horse advocate
Sonja Spaziani ~Wild Wind Art ~ aka Mustang Meg ~ extraordinarily talented graphite artist and writer ~ One of my wildest and most fun FB friends, enthusiastic and knowledgeable advocate for the wild mustangs
Andi Harmon ~Resident Expert and author of Oregon's Living Legends ~ photos ~ A Study of Oregon's Wild Horses and the Ranges They Roam ~ Highly recommended reading!
*Pam Nickoles Photography ~ Wild Horses ~ A Must Visit! ~ Photos, news, information and links, filmed documentation of BLM "gathers." This gal ties it all together!
*Bev Pettit Fine Art Photography ~ Mustangs ~ Be sure to look at Bev's other work after the mustangs ... wow! Just wow! Her gifts and talents far surpass my words.
*Bev Pettit Fine Art Photography ~ Mustangs ~ Be sure to look at Bev's other work after the mustangs ... wow! Just wow! Her gifts and talents far surpass my words.
You have put Wild Horses deep in my heart and my soul since I can remember. Lord, please use me now to help them, however You will.