Chevelle has been a beloved member of Shiloh Ranch for almost 3 years. Her story IS one of love and sacrifice. She was given to us by the family of one of our United States Marines who was to be deployed. They had to move to an apartment where they could not keep a large dog. Because of their great love for our country, this family was making the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their very lives to defend and protect OUR freedoms.
Because of their great love for this pup, they chose to make yet another sacrifice of adopting her out, to give her a chance for a better life. Because, "it was the RIGHT thing" to do! I was so blessed by God that they gave her to me! I FELT and saw the love they had for this pup, as well as their sadness at giving her up! It was a truly bittersweet moment when they handed her over to me! :/
Chevelle was just 3-1/2 months old when she joined up with our outfit. She has run and played and grown into a BEAUTIFUL animal, with the same sweet, kind, loving temperament she had when we got her. She has been a dear, faithful and kind companion to me AND the other dogs, horses, and grandkids. We have loved her deeply and she has given us her unconditional love in return. Chevy had her 3rd birthday just last week! During the time she was here, her Marine daddy was deployed at least 3 more times!!!
Well, long story/short (or short story/long?): Marine-dad now gets to go to school Stateside to do his 'dream' job. The family gets to buy a house with a yard and finally all be all TOGETHER!!!! PLUS, he won't get deployed from there! HALLELUJAH! This war hero and his sweet 'bride' have a beautiful 5 yr old daughter, a darling new 18 mo. old son and a wonderful new home!! Their family is finally WHOLE - except ...
TISSUE ALERT: ... except for ... the family dog! The mom has cried and SO missed her running buddy and pal and the little girl has talked about Chevelle every other day for this entire time! The family planned to come over to say "goodbye." Then I got a text, Is it too gutsy for me to ask if you would consider giving Chevelle back to us? ... it would be a dream come true ... we would love her to her dying day. OH MY GOSH!!! As much as they loved her and as much as they sacrificed for me and all of US, could I do any less than make this sacrifice of love for THEM???? Of course, I would *gulp* consider it!!!
Anyway, they came and were all SO happy to see one another! Even the new toddler just snuggled right up to big 'ol Chev to love on her, like they have known each other forever. The whole family just fit together. Then, the big 'ol Marine says quietly, "I have missed her too. She is like a member of our family." *tissue please* (btw: he was the one who named her, after his fave muscle car)

Chevelle totally remembered them and still loves them. It is SO a God thing - when they were together, it was as if they picked up right where they left off!! I am SO blessed to have fostered Chevelle for this fam! To be able to restore her to her first family, and to see the happiness and joy that it is bringing to them is INCREDIBLE!!!! I am honored ... and humbled. This whole thing was so MUCH bigger than me!
I just put that precious brindle boxer girl in her new car this morning, with all of her goodies and her family. Another bittersweet moment. :/ *sniff, tears well up*

Please pray for their safe travels and God's blessings upon that whole family. They are on the road to Salt Lake City right now, and from there will be driving to Virginia to their new home.
"By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethen.
But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need,
and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?"
1 John 3:16-17
oh my... tissues were handy, and my heart just sang with yours at the gift that God allowed for both your families! We have so many animals out here that are just abandoned to the elements... so neat to hear about a family who "loved/sacrificed" &
"gave/received" ... thank you for sharing.
Aha! I found a way over here after all! Yahoo! I love that you got to be a foster family grandma for this family- what a blessing all around. you're so good at that stuff, moomis! i love you!
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